Sunday 17 November 2013

4, 3, 2, 1...

And it's off the the blog races I go! Best of all, it's the kind of race where no one actually runs and everyone can have fun. Yaayyy! So yeah, here I am Blogosphere, ready to share my crafty, recycly, fashiony, kitcheny, cat fur covered inspirations with you. 
This blog will be all about stuff I like and stuff I make. And stuff I hope you'll like and maybe make too. I'm brand new to this way of sharing, but I'm excited to have a place to chronicle my creations. It's like journaling the steps from imagination to actualization. Yeaaah. Mazlovian.
I am a bit overwhelmed by the order in which I might approach this. My brain world is aflutter with lots of ideas so I expect I will have to get a bit better organized to pull this off. Or maybe not. What do I know? :) Feel free to follow along and watch me figure my way. And maybe find a little inspiration to mingle with your own visions along the way.